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Create Customer

POST /locations/{location_id}/customers

Create a new customer.


Users with the following roles may access this endoint:


Breaking Changes



POST /locations/{location_id}/customers/max_address_edit_distance=0
Authorization: Bearer {your-auth-token}
Content-Type: application/json
x-tenant-id: {your-tenant-id}
"account_number_1": "TestACCT#1",
"account_number_2": "TestACCT#2",
"addresses": [
"country": "US",
"is_billing": true,
"is_shipping": true,
"latitude": 48.076273,
"line_1": "123 A Street",
"line_2": "Suite 34",
"line_3": "2nd Door on Left",
"line_4": "Blue slot",
"locality": "Sequim",
"longitude": -123.117185,
"postcode": "98368",
"region": "WA"
"contacts": [],
"is_commercial": true,
"name": "Test 1",
"note": "",
"parent_id": null,
"renewal_date": "2100-02-18T15:53:55.8510000",
"suspension_id": null

Path Parameters

location_id Integer, Required

Location identifier.

Query Parameters

max_address_edit_distance Integer, Optional

Maximum address edit distance (levenshtein).

  • Less than or equal to 999.
  • Greater than or equal to 0.

Request Headers

Refer to StandardRequestHeadersModel for more details.

authorization String, Required

Authorization header (bearer with access token). See the Authentication Guide to get started.

  • Matches ^bearer [a-z0-9-_=]+.[a-z0-9-_=]+.?[a-z0-9-_.+/=]*$
  • No longer than 256 characters.
  • At least 1 characters long.

Content-Type String, Optional

Default Value: application/json

One of the following MIME types:

x-api-version String, Optional

Request identifier.

  • At least 1 and no more than 64 characters.
  • Must be a valid API version string (2019/02/08, 2021/04/07, 2021/05/07, 2021/08/02, 2021/11/04, 2023/04/19).

x-tenant-id Integer, Required

Tenant identifier. Contact CRO Software for more info if you don't already have this id. See list tenant ids for info on listing the tenants you have access to.

Request Body

Refer to CreateCustomerModel for more details.

account_number_1 String, Optional

Customer account number.

  • At least 0 and no more than 128 characters.

account_number_2 String, Optional

Customer account number.

  • At least 0 and no more than 128 characters.

addresses Array[CreateCustomerAddressModel], Required

Refer to CreateCustomerAddressModel.

contacts Array[CreateCustomerContactModel], Required

Refer to CreateCustomerContactModel.

is_commercial Boolean, Optional

Commercial address if true, private if false.

  • One of 0, 1, True, False (case insensitive).

name String, Required

Name (free text).

  • At least 1 and no more than 64 characters.

note String, Optional

Notes (free text).

  • At least 0 and no more than 2048 characters.

parent_id Integer, Optional

Parent record identifier.

reference_number String, Optional

Reference number (free text).

  • At least 1 and no more than 256 characters.

renewal_date String, Optional

Renewal date.

  • Date in an ISO 8601 compatible format.

sales_rep String, Optional

Name of sales representative.

  • At least 1 and no more than 64 characters.

sales_rep_id String, Optional

Sales rep identifier. May be an integer provider id, the sales user UUID, or the username.

  • At least 0 and no more than 64 characters.

suspension_id Integer, Optional

Suspension identifier.


Response Headers

Refer to StandardResponseHeadersModel for more details.

Content-Type String, Optional

Default Value: application/json

One of the following MIME types:

x-api-version String

Request identifier.

  • At least 1 and no more than 64 characters.
  • Must be a valid API version string (2019/02/08, 2021/04/07, 2021/05/07, 2021/08/02, 2021/11/04, 2023/04/19).

x-request-id String

Request identifier.

  • Valid UUID.

Response Body

Refer to DispatchCustomerLocationModel for more details.

account_number_1 String

Customer account number.

  • At least 0 and no more than 128 characters.

account_number_2 String

Customer account number.

  • At least 0 and no more than 128 characters.

addresses Array[CustomerAddressModel]

Refer to CustomerAddressModel.

contacts Array[CustomerContactModel]

Refer to CustomerContactModel.

created_on String

Timestamp of creation (must be in past).

  • Date occurring in the past in an ISO 8601 compatible format.

customer_id Integer

Customer identifier.

is_active Boolean

Records marked inactive are treated as deleted (soft delete).

  • One of 0, 1, True, False (case insensitive).

is_commercial Boolean, Conditional

Commercial address if true, private if false.

  • One of 0, 1, True, False (case insensitive).

last_updated_on String

  • Date occurring in the past in an ISO 8601 compatible format.

location_id Integer

Location identifier.

name String

Name (free text).

  • At least 1 and no more than 64 characters.

note String, Conditional

Notes (free text).

  • At least 0 and no more than 2048 characters.

parent_id Integer

Parent record identifier.

reference_number String, Conditional

Reference number (free text).

  • At least 1 and no more than 256 characters.

renewal_date String

Renewal date.

  • Date in an ISO 8601 format.

sales_rep String, Conditional

Name of sales representative.

  • At least 1 and no more than 64 characters.

sales_rep_id String, Conditional

Sales rep identifier.

suspension_id Integer, Conditional

Suspension identifier.

Code Samples

curl --request POST --include \
--header "Authorization: Bearer {your-auth-token}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "x-tenant-id: {your-tenant-id}" \
--data '{"account_number_1": "TestACCT#1", "account_number_2": "TestACCT#2", "addresses": [{"country": "US", "is_billing": true, "is_shipping": true, "latitude": 48.076273, "line_1": "123 A Street", "line_2": "Suite 34", "line_3": "2nd Door on Left", "line_4": "Blue slot", "locality": "Sequim", "longitude": -123.117185, "postcode": "98368", "region": "WA"}], "contacts": [], "is_commercial": true, "name": "Test 1", "note": "", "parent_id": null, "renewal_date": "2100-02-18T15:53:55.8510000", "suspension_id": null}' \{location_id}/customers?max_address_edit_distance=0