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The API is versioned with each release. Versions are listed in the changelog. Each version is the release date formatted as it is in the changelog (copy & paste it).

Your application can specify a version by passing the optional header X-API-VERSION (case insensitive).

X-API-VERSION: 2021/11/04

If you don't pass the X-API-VERSION header, the last version accessed by your client ID will be used. If your client ID has never accessed the API, the earliest available API version will be used.

Note that once a client ID has accessed the API it will be pinned to that version until you specify a different version. This will help ensure your application doesn't unexpectedly break when CRO updates the API.

Breaking Changes

Breaking changes are noted throughout the documentation. There is also a breaking changes report accessible from the sidebar. For a comprehensive list of changes, see the changelog. Breaking changes include: renamed or removed fields, changes to the definition of fields, renaming or removal of parameters, and removal/deprecation of endpoints.

Note that underlying behavior changes, parameters/fields added, etc. are not considered breaking changes and are only documented in the changelog.