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Customer address.

Breaking Changes

No breaking changes.


Fill this template out with real values.

"country": "String",
"is_billing": "Boolean",
"is_shipping": "Boolean",
"latitude": "Float",
"line_1": "String",
"line_2": "String, optional",
"line_3": "String, optional",
"line_4": "String, optional",
"locality": "String",
"longitude": "Float",
"postcode": "String",
"region": "String"


country String, Required

Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha 2).

  • 2 character country code.

is_billing Boolean, Required

If true, this is the customer's billing address.

  • One of 0, 1, True, False (case insensitive).

is_shipping Boolean, Required

Customer's shipping address if true.

  • One of 0, 1, True, False (case insensitive).

latitude Float, Required


  • Less than or equal to 90.
  • Greater than or equal to -90.

line_1 String, Required

Street address.

  • At least 1 and no more than 256 characters.

line_2 String, Optional

Street address line 2.

  • At least 0 and no more than 256 characters.

line_3 String, Optional

Street address line 3.

  • At least 0 and no more than 256 characters.

line_4 String, Optional

Street address line 4 (doubles as county).

  • At least 0 and no more than 256 characters.

locality String, Required

Address locality (e.g. city).

  • At least 1 and no more than 86 characters.

longitude Float, Required


  • Less than or equal to 180.
  • Greater than or equal to -180.

postcode String, Required

Postal code (may include letters and symbols).

  • At least 1 and no more than 86 characters.

region String, Required

Address region (e.g. state).

  • At least 1 and no more than 32 characters.