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Customer list (paged).

Breaking Changes

No breaking changes.


Fill this template out with real values.

"current_limit": "Integer",
"current_page": "Integer",
"results": "array[[CustomerModel](/docs/data_types/CustomerModel)]",
"total_count": "Integer",
"total_pages": "Integer"


current_limit Integer, Required

Maximun number of results per page.

  • Less than or equal to 1000.
  • Greater than or equal to 1.

current_page Integer, Required

Paged results page index (starting from 1).

  • Less than or equal to 10000.
  • Greater than or equal to 1.

results Array[CustomerModel], Required

Refer to CustomerModel.

total_count Integer, Required

Paged results total viewable records.

  • Less than or equal to 100000.
  • Greater than or equal to 0.

total_pages Integer, Required

Paged results total pages.

  • Less than or equal to 1000.
  • Greater than or equal to 0.